michellebasche 9th December 2014

Magic in the form of a man Magic leaves us with a sense of wonder and awe It expands our possibilities beyond what we saw Mark used no smoke or mirrors but magic words, wintergreen lifesavers, laughter and tears and the thunders hands of children in bodies young and old to transport us all to worlds before him untold. He wove word pictures to make us believe,allowed us to see through a window into his wondrous heart. Whether pirate or bard, professor, alchemist, time traveler, father or friend - He was magic to the end. I believe in fairies and pixie dust and the "Har" of pirates in lust. I believe in the power of story, the miracle of moments and the actor's gift given like communion to all those so fortunate to see the transformation on the alter of the stage or be touched by his kindness at the end of the day. He was a hero, the best of the best, a gift to the planet and all the rest of us on it.. He is - I believe somewhere he is still a spark in the dark, a voice in the woods, an inspiration forever though now without form his magic lives on the the song of 2 flutes played through the nose; in the pictures he painted with all of his prose; in the love he created with family and friends and the sadness we feel when it comes to The End.