Created by thucjvinh 10 years ago
This Fall term I took Mark Lewis' Presentation class in the SOJC. It was absolutely one of the best and most fun classes I've taken at the UO thus far. The man was just always so jolly, caring and compassionate. I always looked forward to coming to Mark's class just to listen to him and learn from him - Everything from how to do a *proper* handshake to how to be more confident as a public speaker and storyteller.
My favorite memory of Mark was on Halloween when he came to class dressed as a pirate. During class, someone dared him to talk like a pirate for the rest of class. And he did it! I will never forget his humor and warmth, and how he genuinely cared for each and every student, whether in his class or simply around Allen Hall. The fact that I had just finished taking his class makes news of his passing even more sad.
R.I.P. Mark. You will be greatly missed.
P.S. Also, his wonderful voice was featured in my team project for Creative Strat last spring term. http://youtu.be/jVtMbWlH79g