My friend's dad

Created by gaw0305 10 years ago
I don't remember first meeting Mark. It must have been in kindergarten; maybe even the first day. What I do remember is when he used to let Katelyn and I stand on his shoulders, even when we were wearing our cleats after a soccer game. Him performing at my St Patrick's day themed birthday party. Raiding the Lewis' vast costume collection for pirate costumes for the EEF float in the parade (and feeling really cool being by far the most dressed up ones there), and making lots of pirate jokes along the way. Watching him perform "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with guest appearance by Katelyn as Cindy Lou Who. The countless times I would go over to Katelyn's house, and feel so welcomed by him and everyone else there. And the last time I saw him, when we somehow ended up with seats next to him and Colleen at opening night for Pride and Prejudice. I'm so grateful for having known him. I find myself wishing I had your elegant way with words as I find myself trying inadequately express how much you'll be missed, Mark. The world is a little less bright without you here.
