My Memory of Mark

Created by jhill851 10 years ago
My first and only encounter with Mark was during his presentations class this fall term. I remember walking in on the first day of class and immediately coming into contact with his vibrant and uplifting presence and personality. I remember us talking about our favorite science fiction shows and theories regarding alternate universes,aliens and time travel for what seemed like a half hour. Every Tuesday when our class would meet, I would always become excited at the chance to be in his class again because of the way he connected with the students he truly cared about. He encouraged our class to use the strengths and skills we possessed to share the stories of our lives, and the further we went into the term, the more he began a part of our life stories. If I could tell him anything, I would want him to know that his class and his presence brought about confidence, creativity and growth in my life and in the lives of those in his class.