To Mark Lewis

Created by rhagen 10 years ago
While taking Mark's presentations class he asked us to share what our favorite toy was as a kid in class. As a kid I was obsessed with a Free Willy stuffed animal I had. When it was my turn to present, I explained how I loved the toy and was devastated when I lost it, thinking nothing of. 3 weeks later, I received an email from Mark asking if we could meet before I left for home for break. When I met Mark he gave me a box wrapped in Christmas themed wrapping paper and upon opening the box I found an exact replica of the Free Willy stuffed animal I had talked about. All he sad to me was "I could tell how much it meant to you, so I got you a new one". I still have that stuffed animal. and it represents what a kind, caring and genuine person Mark was and how a simple act of kindness and compassion can bring joy to another person. I am thankful for the lessons Mark taught me, in and out of the classroom, and the time I was lucky enough to spend speaking with him. I am truly saddened and have a heavy heart because Mark was truly everyone's "angel in the audience". My thoughts and prayers go out to Mark's family.