A few words about Mark

Created by wwellen 10 years ago
Living in Eugene as we do, we first knew Mark as a local personage -- the guy who told stories, showed up in commercials, and sort of moved around in a bigger-than-life way. I'd see him driving a daughter around town and think, "That's Mark Lewis, the storyteller!" Then our family met him as the Harry Potter Camp guy and the Summer Enrichment Program guy, where he spread a lot of mirth and inspired a ton of fun with our kids and hordes of others. I also remember watching him in top hat and waistcoat as he attempted to spirit away unwitting Ellis Island "immigrants" to build his railroad -- during Roosevelt Middle School's longstanding immigrant simulation activity for sixth graders. My son, 22, upon hearing of Mark's death, said simply, "I loved the guy." My daughter, 16, who may have been among the few who met Mark's eyes with challenge instead of wonder (and he returned same, from what I could tell), reacted with shock. "No way," she said. "How could this happen to Mark?" But my husband and I truly recoiled at the news. It was a season of much loss, but it was Mark's passing that uncorked it all for me and let loose the accumulated grief. We had come to know Mark at several small dinner parties, where the fun character became a real man for us, one of warm humor, deep feelings and plenty of the regrets and second thoughts we all know by this age. He is missed by so many. Add this family, relative acquaintances of Mark's, to the list. --Ellen Wojahn