A true hero to me
Created by Amber 9 years ago
I struggled through my childhood and teenage years. I was bullied relentlessly and had no self esteem left. My first year at Camp Bravo I found a home. I felt like I belonged. Especially around Mark! He would listen to me talk about my struggles. I don't know how many hours he must have spent over my 4 years at camp, just listening. When I was done venting to him about my struggles, he would tell me a story (TheVegetable Lady was one of course), draw me a picture (I still have the dragon sketch he drew for me), talk to me about his family, or just give me a hug. I don't think he ever knew that he was like a second father to me, and every summer I couldn't wait to go back and see him and Bob. I tell my children about him whenever I get a chance. I want them to learn about a man who had a heart like no other. A man who would was there for anyone. A man who could see hurting and help you to heal. Matk, you helped me learn to love myself and to be me no matter what others thought. I will be forever grateful for that.